Sunday, July 31, 2011

Back at Home

Post operative recovery is progressing - best news though is that the prostate pathology after surgery showed that the cancer was contained within the prostate with clear margins.  Reuben says I cured!  I'll be happy when I feel that way.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Going in for surgery

The results of the biopsy came back as we expected - prostate cancer.  Lesley had done a whole lot of research and we talked with our Doctor friend Reuben (this is getting to be a habit) so proceeded to consult with a urological surgeon.  Preop is complete and I go in Monday morning (25 July) to have my prostate removed.  I've downloaded a new book to the Kindle and have my fleece ready so I don't freeze to death in the hospital.

Opted to have robotic surgery as it appears that this method results in less nerve damage and a faster recovery.  Will see what the after surgery pathology results are and hope that the nerves/neurons are all speaking to each other afterwards.