We left Ste Pierre, Martinique this morning at 0610 headed for Roseau, Dominica. Breakfast was homemade cinnamon rolls and coffee while we were underway. There were several boats leaving just after we did and we only had two pass us. One was a big catamaran and another what looked like a 40' Caliber. Conditions were great with wind and waves from the East - wind 18 gusting to 23 knots and seas at probably no higher than 8'. We had all sails out and were making 6.5 - 7.5 knots with the autopilot steering the boat. There were several other boats - another Caliber, a Hunter, and a Catalina 470 in behind us and we heard them talking to each other about the conditions - complaining about the wind speed, inability of their autopilots to handle the boat/conditions, etc. We have been in other anchorages with these boats and have spoken to the owners casually. Appears that there is a group of 5 or 6 boats that are traveling together.
Arrived in Roseau and took a mooring off of the Anchorage Hotel from Pancho. We had called Sea Cat earlier and he told us to call him when we got close and he would have someone help with the mooring. As we approached the Anchorage Hotel Pancho came out and asked if we wanted a mooring - told him that we were taking one from Sea Cat but he indicated that Sea Cats moorings were all taken. At about the same time a boat left one of Sea Cats moorings but Lesley thought the one that Pancho offered would be cooler - it is. About 10 minutes later Sea Cat came out and asked us what had happened - we had a nice chat - no pressure etc. Felt bad but this mooring is nicer and the breeze is very nice. Will do some business with Sea Cat on our way South.
Before leaving Martinique I filed a Prearrival Notification using eSeaClear (Caribbean Pre-Arrival Notification system). On reporting to Customs in Roseau all I had to do was give the Agent my PAN number, he printer our forms, I signed them, paid our money any we were done. This is the second experience we have had with ESeaClear and both have been very positive - big improvement over the old paper based/carbon copy system.
We were able to see a great Green Flash at sundown - perhaps the best we have seen.
Planned to go to Dinner at the Yacht Inn Chinese Restaurant but think that it is out of business - went ashore and no sign of life. Tried calling the number listed on the front of the building and it is out of service.
Heading for Portsmouth in the morning.