Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Puerto Del Rey

We spent the night behind a reef on Culebra and had a great nights sleep.  There were two moorings left when we arrived but both of them were in sad shape so we backed off a bit and anchored.

We left Culebra and motor sailed on to Fajardo and are now resting in the Puerto del Rey marina.  We've contacted Mike and he is going to pick us and our frozen food up in the morning and we are going to move it over to his beach house.  Will become beach house residents for a few days while I replace the cutlass bearing.

Mike and his wife Martina also own a German Restaurant here on the Island so looking forward to getting together with them and enjoying the restaurant as well.

Lesley is baking some brownies now and I am getting ready to service the engine.  Then I plan to have a few nice cold Old Harbor Taina's (Hefeweizen) if I can find them here in the store.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like a couple of cold Hefeweizens with some Jaegerschnitzel und Rosti. Gans Gut!

    We're getting ours tonight.

    Guten Appitit!
