Saturday, December 7, 2013

Would you believe - lightning!

We've spent 8 winters in the Caribbean and on Thursday morning we saw lightning on the Northern horizon.  Then yesterday even we had some here is the St Maarten area and then later in the evening down South toward St Kitts.  Really unusual...  Thunder and lightning in the Islands.

Had cocktails with John and Nancy on IP-420 Adventuress last night.  Had not seen them for several years so was nice to catch up. 

We plan to head in to Budget Marine and Island Water World later this morning.

WiFi is pretty poor here so will post some older pictures once we have better connectivity.


  1. I didn't realize that there weren't any thunderstorms there. Is that a seasonal thing?
    All of those Tradewind squalls don't make it that far west?

  2. Not sure, have never seen lightning or heard thunder here at any time during our stay......

    Squalls are still significant - 35 to 40 kt gusts, but bolts from the blue while you are the only thing within miles is scarry!
