Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Antigua and Barbuda

We were hanging out in Antigua and decided to sail up to Barbuda for a few days - we have been wanting to make the trip up for the past few years - but weather and boat issues had not allowed it. We made it this year and after a nice sail up we anchored for three days in Gravenor Bay - between Cocoa Point and Spanish Point. The water was shallow, 8ft and the bottom looked like fine sugar. Went ashore and did some exploring, but found the island very desolate and rugged. The stars are incredible at night and you can hear donkeys on shore. With some serious weather (North swells from Atlantic Storms) forecast, we left Barbuda and sailed back to Antigua. Came in through the reef at Horseshoe Channel and made our way in to Davis Bay off Long Island. Long Island is a very nice private island development. We are tucked in nicely and are enjoying the calm water here and Lesley is up to her old tricks (some great food) while we hang out and enjoy the place.
I did some teak maintenance today and we sent a birthday greeting with photos to our sailing friend Hayden - enjoying the winter of 2010 in Souderton, PA! NO SNOW FOR US THANKS.

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