Friday, January 21, 2011

Deshaies, Guadeloupe

We moved up from The Saintes yesterday and had a great sail across the channel to Guadeloupe. Once we were across the channel though, as usual the wind died/became very shifty, so we ended up motor sailing the rest of the way up the coast. We took the opportunity to run the watermaker and made about 35 gallons of water.

We arrived at Deshaies and anchored up close to town in about 12 feet of water with a light rain falling. Wiped the boat down good to clean off accumulated salt and then went into town to take care of Customs and pick up a few grocery items. We had to kill about an hour waiting for the shops to open after the daily after lunch shutdown so we stopped and had a drink and then wandered around town for a little while. Went into the local Customs Office (a small shop that sells local crafts, provides copies and internet service, etc) and managed to clear in and out at the same time.

Had a great dinner, watched an episode of season 5 of the Sopranos, and had a great nights sleep.

Took care of a few errands on the boat this morning and Lesley is making chicken curry for dinner then we plan to go ashore to the local vegetable market and also pick up a rotisserie chicken that we will have for dinner after our arrival in Antigua on Saturday.

Had a wonderful Green Flash again this evening - didn't think it was going to happen because of clouds in the area and a few boats anchored behind us but we got really lucky! We got up on deck about 5 minutes before sundown and the sun dropped to the horizon under an bank of clouds. As the suns orb touched the horizon we noticed some sort of blob - turned out to be one of the square rigger cruise ships that we often see out here. We thought that the ship would obstruct the view - we were really wrong - beautiful green flash around the boat that was probably 10 - 20 miles west of us. A really unusual Green Flash.

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