Saturday, March 2, 2013

Syndicate Forest Preserve

We headed up to the Syndicate Forest Preserve yesterday on an interior hike and bird watching expedition.

Before we left Portsmouth I got a picture of the Magicians house.

The main attraction for the area, at least for us, is that it is a Sisserou Parrot habitat.  We stopped and purchased Park access passes and then we were off to the rainforest.

We were only a short distance up the road when we spotted our first parrot.  We stopped the van and got out and you could hear the birds up in the forest canopy.  We continued on to the parking area and once we were out of the van several more parrots flew over head.

As we continued on our hike you could hear the birds and at one point we stopped on a ledge overlooking the rainforest and pairs of birds were flying back and forth across the opening.  The coloring of the bird is amazing with the bright green feathers visible from quite some distance.

I did not get any photos of the birds but I did take a few pictures of some of the other things that we saw during the day.

Wax flower


Tree roots

After we got back to the boat we took it easy and were then treated with what we both think was the best all time Green Flash ever.  It lasted several seconds and started just before the sun dropped below the horizon.  Hope Glen was watching last night!

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