Friday, June 26, 2015

Diamond Back

We received a frantic call from one of our neighbors yesterday late afternoon - she had seen a GIGANTIC snake slither by one of here sliding doors.  I went down expecting to see maybe a small python etc but was really shocked to see the BIGGEST Eastern Diamond Back I've ever seen.  Man was it big!

I tried zapping it with a shovel but was not willing to get close enough to be able to deal with it.  All I did at this point was piss it off.  Lots of rattling and then it moved to the side of a nearby home.  We tried calling 2 calling 2 different animal control offices - both open 9 - 5 only, then we call 2 different Sherriff Dept's - they referred us to the Cape Coral Police who then referred us to a private animal control guy.  He was busy so he referred us to another guy who was about 30 minutes away.

I did not want to risk loosing track of this snake so I asked Lesley to go down and get my gun (.177 cal air gun).  I was able to hit the snake with two shots to the head and that seemed to immobilize it but did not kill it, yikes what a monster.

The animal guy arrived and got his snake tool out and managed to lift the thing up away from the house.  It was not dead and started going with the rattles again.  He moved the snake out into the front yard and held it up for all to see. At least 6ft long and 3 - 4" in diameter - way big.

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