Sunday, March 11, 2012

Yesterdays sail - Martinique to St Lucia

After saying bye to friends on other Island Packet Sailboats (35 Seabbatical and 380 Northern Lights IV) we headed south for St Lucia.  Once we cleared out of the shallow water and set our sails we were making good speed with beam seas and winds of 18 - 20 knots.  The St Lucia channel is roughly 21 nautical miles across and we were able to cover the distance in 3 hours - sure like our 110 yankee jib!

On the way over we crossed paths with Canadian friends aboard a Gozzard (Reberth) and got really close to two humpback whales as we neared the coast of St Lucia off Pigeon Island.  We thought the sighting of the whales was really unusual as the water where we were was approximately 90 feet deep!

The boat is washed and clean, and so are we, as we are now relaxed and getting ready for dinner aboard - fried chicken, cous-cous, and sauteed snow peas.

Tomorrow we will move the stove and clean and oil the teak area around it and then start work on the upper shrouds. 

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