Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rain leaking!

Yesterday afternoon we removed the topside canvas and stowed it away for the summer season.  Last night was unusually rainy and when I got to the boat this morning to finish a few small tasks I was not ready for the water leak that was apparent in the aft cabin.  I was shocked and after cleaning up the mess set out to quickly locate and repair the leak.  Water was dripping out from around the outboard edge of the trim ring around the overhead hatch.  I removed the teak bungs and screws holding the trim ring to the headliner and then pulled the thin fiberglass trim sleeve out away from it as well.

There was not a large puddle of water inside the headliner - so far so good.  I hooked up a water hose and started running the hose around the outside of the hatch and almost immediately got a good drip started that looked like it was coming from the inboard aft portion of the hatch frame.  I decided to go ahead and remove the hatch, clean and remount rather than trying a temporary patch.

I removed the hatch,  the old (5200?) and cleaned up both the hatch and the deck surface and then used a whole tube of Boatlife caulk and rebedded the hatch - will head back to the boat tomorrow and see if the leak has been stopped.

What a mess this would have been had we not had the rain last night!

1 comment:

  1. Same here... rain is showing us water egress around the port lights. Getting out the caulking to see what can be done.
