Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Leaving Grenada

Well, the Chicken Ship made it in yesterday so we have eggs.

WE left Grenada at about 9:30 this morning and had a great trip up to Carriacou.  We anchored on or very near the spot that we usually use and I took the dinghy in to clear out.  Nice to have the Immigration Office here in Tyrrel Bay now but the Officer is still sorting everything out, having to call into Hillsborough with and Customs related questions.  Today the officer tried to charge me $50EC for a new cruising permit (the old one was still valid).  After a phone call and some hemin and hawin I was told that I was OK - THIS TIME......

Nice breeze here now and after a swim and hopefully a green flash it is burger time on Gra'inne.


  1. I think you need to put a few Rhode Island Red Egglayers in one of those barrels that you ship down.
    then they can wander the decks and provide you with fresh eggs.
    Then at the end of the cruising season you can have a chicken barbecue with the immigration folks and earn some points for next years clearing in and out.

  2. Greg:

    After this trip North no more clearing in and out - we will be back in Florida with the boat.
